A non-profit college or university charges you tuition. This money is used to pay your professors and/or instructors, to provide cocurricular opportunities, to conduct research and to maintain their campus and facilities. A for-profit college or university goal is to make money so the tuition that is paid may not go toward the student educational experience.
Welcome to the Education Scholarship Program of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. As a Southern Ute Indian Tribal Member, you are eligible for certain benefits through the Education Scholarship Program, which include full-time scholarships, part-time scholarships and approved summer sessions.
Before Signing In or registering as a New User, please note scholarship applications are:
- applicable only to enrolled members of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe;
- all required documents must be attached;
- demonstrate compliance with previous scholarship award requirements;
- attend a mandatory scholarship orientation meeting before July 1st deadline for full-time funding and one (1) month in advance for part-time funding.